a regular gallbladder looks like this in a scan
and like this in an ultrasound
and like this an a drawing
Bile is made by the liver and flows in and out again to help digest your food.
The pearshape of the organ guarantees a steady flow of bile
An hour glass gallbladder is shaped like an hour glass and will look something like this in an MRI
and like this in an ultrasound
and appr like this in a drawing.
Obviously the bile can no longer flow in or out easily, especially not out.
Hence bile will remain in too long , it will become a sludge that easily gets infected .
Also with the outflow ahmpered the gallbladder will swell and get heavier and it even may come loose from it;s ligaments to
hang in a vertical position, making matters 10 times worse, because now also gravity will start to play a role.
As a rule, after a meal, the gallbladder will empty itself in 5 to 15 minutes. It will contract 1 -5 times in order to do so.
But the hour glass gallbladder will not even be empty after 3 hours and all that time it wll contract and contract.
This means such a gallbladder will contract as many tmes in one year as a regular one in a lifetime.
That will take it s toll on the muscle that will become dystrophic, making matters 10 more times worse
Eventually the gallbladder will no longer be able to push out or let in the bile at all, you will be spitting mouthfuls of pure and bitter bile and will allways be in pain because the gallbladder keeps on pushing and pumping and trying to get the matter out.
Every day the liver delivers a new batch of bile, so things keep getting worse and worse until the gallbladder will try and get rid of it's overload by leaking bile through it's weakened tissue.
The first leak will cause high fever, high alkaline phosphatase.
If you are not properly diagnosed then and there things will continue to get worse
Recent studies ( a.o. Amsterdam, AZU, prof Gouma) have shown bile leaks can go unnoticed and without noticeable symptoms for even as long as a year.
Hence the signs that are demanded by protocol, like peritonitis and high bilirubine can be absent in 65% of patients. Hence mortality of leaks, that are fairly easy to mend, is still very high, namely 75%, due to a delay in diagnosis.
If your doctor is not aware of the scientific standard in these cases, they will demand symptoms and things that will be absent in at least half of the patients, namely
Eleveated billirubine levels are absent in 60% of cases esp when bile leaks to your abdomen, while for many hospitals this is the requirement sine qua non for treatment or admission.
Stones, absent in 20% of cases
Fluid collections around liver, but If the bile leaks into your abdomen there will not be any there, obviously, whereas fluid collections throughout abdomen are not specific for bile leaks.
rigid belly that will always be absent when the bile is not infected.
If you have none of these, and chances of that are appr 50%, you will most likely be left to fend for yourself, like I was, until eventually your gallbladder will rupture and kill you
A bile leak is the worst of the worst.
There will be nothing but pain and fire and a mouth that is bloody and moulted because of the biting and drying salt.
Because people have gotten used to not taking you seriously by now, this complication will most likley be diagnosed post mortem
However, though diagnosis of the cause of the hourglass may be difficult if there are no easy to detect stones and no cancer and even diagnosis of the leaks may be difficult, the infections that result from these processes are not that difficult to diagnose bacause they will cause wall thickening
While any odd shape , that is acquired and not innate, and that casuses pain, could bring someone to think something could be wrong regardless
Many doctors are taught an hourglass gallbladder is innate and no big deal.
They may also confuse it with a septate gallbladder that seems to be no big deal.
Anyone who sees the shape of that gallbladder can understand it cannot function, but doctors are taught to stay on the safe side and only apply things that are mainstream.
They also tend to lean way too much on tests such as bloodresults and automatically assume, if there is some illness, it must show in the blood, while appr 40% of all lethal complications will not show in standardized bloodresults
So until there is something there that can be indicative to them there is some problem, you basically are toast.
Even while the twist is visible in every image, they do not realise an acquired hourglass shape is an anatomical defect, like a broken leg, or a sprained ankle, not like an infection that is an illness, and as a rule anatomical defects do not show in the bloodresults.
But doctors are used to rely on evidence like that and are inclined to demand it, even when it is not logical to do so.
This is also why 96% of patients with gallbladder torsion are diagnosed postmortem.
So this is a dangerous condition and a killer defect
Just like a broken leg that is not set, may get infected and will kill you, an anatomical imperfect gallbladder like this will start leaking and kill you eventually as well.
This condition is a very big deal, and as soon as you learn you have this, you have to go find a surgeon who is willing to take your gallbladder out or you will live a horrible life until you die a horrible death.
You will most of the time have a gallbladder that is contracting while trying to loose the twist in it as well as the bile, both to no avail.
You will be in constant pain and the sour matter will burn your throat and make you loose your sense of smell and taste.
you will loose your job, your home, your social life and friends, because you are always too ill to get up, while your doctor, relying on not applicable tests, may stubbornly maintain there is nothing wrong with you.
When your gallbladder ruptures, first you fear you might die, and then you fear you might not die
Because the pain is horrendous and you will have to endure that whatever bile the liver relentlessy makes every night is thrown on your organs and eat away your inside, your intestines, veins, liver, heart , and ruin everything you cared for all your life.
You will die in a way you would not even want a dog to die.
While the doctor just sighs, waiting for proof of disease in the blood, that were overlooked when they were there ( let's wait a month, then see again) and now will not ever come about again.
When you die, your GP will state you died of depression because you lost everything ( through his/her fault) or of a heart attack or that you neglected yourself because you are simply to ill to do much and get no help because they feel you are not ill at all, just crazy.
Doctors will have learned nothing and the next patient with an hourglass shape gallbladder will be tormented and neglected the same way.
I did survive the rupture of the gallbladder entirely on my own, probably because since the twist, the gallbladder was devided into 2 compartiments, and the leak happened to be in the front compartiment, the smallest one. So initially only that one ran empty.
But that already was nothing short of a hell of salt, fire and pain.
If you do not want that to happen to you, take my advice and find a surgeon who will help you while you still can.
There are very few entries on the web that confirm this condition to be a big deal, because it is a rare condition.
best article exactly describing what happened to me;
the part about acalculous infection applies.
The MRI pics in this article fit the description to a T.
You see the gallbladder coming loose, then topling over, next it gets swollen and infected and then it leaks, because bile could no longer get out the normal way.
After operation the fact that it has been infected was overall confirmed, because without infection there can be no adhesions
A footnote in a German book for radiologists and reads that an hourglass gallbladder is a problem because it cannot empty itself. This book has been edited by Mr S Feuerbach.
Those germans can be really good at details and leave nothing out.
Only one book in english states this type of gallbladder should be considered pathological.
And there is a really good article on it, written by an Indian doctor, who really cares about science and who, like me, wants this condition to be better known and better taken care of .
He meticulously describes all defects in such a gallbladder that cannot be detected unless after surgery, like the fact that muscles and tissue get thin when the gallbladder swells.
Also in my case radiologists, looking for wall thickening, did not realise that if something is swollen any wall thickening should be multiplied, because of the swelling that stretches the wall.
There are many posts on the internet about torsion of the gallbladder, and in effect this is a torsion, and all doctors agree that is a rare but very dangerous condition.
But since a torsion at the neck of the gallbladder is the most common type of torsion, gallbladders that will twist in any other way shape or form or are not twisted more than 180 degrees, are wrongly declared to not be a torison by radiologists.
What they mean is that they do not have the type of torsion they know a bit about.
some more pics
Here you see what it looks like when it bursts and the bile is littering the intestines, and burning them away
here you see how it looks like when twisted without contrastfluids, the white stuff is bile.
The longer you hang in there the more rare your situation gets and the less likely you get help. They will let you die because they believe if you had what you have, you would already have died.
Since obviously you did not die yet, they let you die.
All publications stating an acquired hourglass gallbladder is no big deal or probably no big deal should be banned from the web, because they kill people aan have no scientific value whatsoever.
copyright jan 2013
by donna q
and like this in an ultrasound
and like this an a drawing
Bile is made by the liver and flows in and out again to help digest your food.
The pearshape of the organ guarantees a steady flow of bile
An hour glass gallbladder is shaped like an hour glass and will look something like this in an MRI
and like this in an ultrasound
and appr like this in a drawing.
Obviously the bile can no longer flow in or out easily, especially not out.
Hence bile will remain in too long , it will become a sludge that easily gets infected .
Also with the outflow ahmpered the gallbladder will swell and get heavier and it even may come loose from it;s ligaments to
hang in a vertical position, making matters 10 times worse, because now also gravity will start to play a role.
As a rule, after a meal, the gallbladder will empty itself in 5 to 15 minutes. It will contract 1 -5 times in order to do so.
But the hour glass gallbladder will not even be empty after 3 hours and all that time it wll contract and contract.
This means such a gallbladder will contract as many tmes in one year as a regular one in a lifetime.
That will take it s toll on the muscle that will become dystrophic, making matters 10 more times worse
Eventually the gallbladder will no longer be able to push out or let in the bile at all, you will be spitting mouthfuls of pure and bitter bile and will allways be in pain because the gallbladder keeps on pushing and pumping and trying to get the matter out.
Every day the liver delivers a new batch of bile, so things keep getting worse and worse until the gallbladder will try and get rid of it's overload by leaking bile through it's weakened tissue.
The first leak will cause high fever, high alkaline phosphatase.
If you are not properly diagnosed then and there things will continue to get worse
Recent studies ( a.o. Amsterdam, AZU, prof Gouma) have shown bile leaks can go unnoticed and without noticeable symptoms for even as long as a year.
Hence the signs that are demanded by protocol, like peritonitis and high bilirubine can be absent in 65% of patients. Hence mortality of leaks, that are fairly easy to mend, is still very high, namely 75%, due to a delay in diagnosis.
If your doctor is not aware of the scientific standard in these cases, they will demand symptoms and things that will be absent in at least half of the patients, namely
Eleveated billirubine levels are absent in 60% of cases esp when bile leaks to your abdomen, while for many hospitals this is the requirement sine qua non for treatment or admission.
Stones, absent in 20% of cases
Fluid collections around liver, but If the bile leaks into your abdomen there will not be any there, obviously, whereas fluid collections throughout abdomen are not specific for bile leaks.
rigid belly that will always be absent when the bile is not infected.
If you have none of these, and chances of that are appr 50%, you will most likely be left to fend for yourself, like I was, until eventually your gallbladder will rupture and kill you
A bile leak is the worst of the worst.
There will be nothing but pain and fire and a mouth that is bloody and moulted because of the biting and drying salt.
Because people have gotten used to not taking you seriously by now, this complication will most likley be diagnosed post mortem
However, though diagnosis of the cause of the hourglass may be difficult if there are no easy to detect stones and no cancer and even diagnosis of the leaks may be difficult, the infections that result from these processes are not that difficult to diagnose bacause they will cause wall thickening
While any odd shape , that is acquired and not innate, and that casuses pain, could bring someone to think something could be wrong regardless
Many doctors are taught an hourglass gallbladder is innate and no big deal.
They may also confuse it with a septate gallbladder that seems to be no big deal.
Anyone who sees the shape of that gallbladder can understand it cannot function, but doctors are taught to stay on the safe side and only apply things that are mainstream.
They also tend to lean way too much on tests such as bloodresults and automatically assume, if there is some illness, it must show in the blood, while appr 40% of all lethal complications will not show in standardized bloodresults
So until there is something there that can be indicative to them there is some problem, you basically are toast.
Even while the twist is visible in every image, they do not realise an acquired hourglass shape is an anatomical defect, like a broken leg, or a sprained ankle, not like an infection that is an illness, and as a rule anatomical defects do not show in the bloodresults.
But doctors are used to rely on evidence like that and are inclined to demand it, even when it is not logical to do so.
This is also why 96% of patients with gallbladder torsion are diagnosed postmortem.
So this is a dangerous condition and a killer defect
Just like a broken leg that is not set, may get infected and will kill you, an anatomical imperfect gallbladder like this will start leaking and kill you eventually as well.
This condition is a very big deal, and as soon as you learn you have this, you have to go find a surgeon who is willing to take your gallbladder out or you will live a horrible life until you die a horrible death.
You will most of the time have a gallbladder that is contracting while trying to loose the twist in it as well as the bile, both to no avail.
You will be in constant pain and the sour matter will burn your throat and make you loose your sense of smell and taste.
you will loose your job, your home, your social life and friends, because you are always too ill to get up, while your doctor, relying on not applicable tests, may stubbornly maintain there is nothing wrong with you.
When your gallbladder ruptures, first you fear you might die, and then you fear you might not die
Because the pain is horrendous and you will have to endure that whatever bile the liver relentlessy makes every night is thrown on your organs and eat away your inside, your intestines, veins, liver, heart , and ruin everything you cared for all your life.
You will die in a way you would not even want a dog to die.
While the doctor just sighs, waiting for proof of disease in the blood, that were overlooked when they were there ( let's wait a month, then see again) and now will not ever come about again.
When you die, your GP will state you died of depression because you lost everything ( through his/her fault) or of a heart attack or that you neglected yourself because you are simply to ill to do much and get no help because they feel you are not ill at all, just crazy.
Doctors will have learned nothing and the next patient with an hourglass shape gallbladder will be tormented and neglected the same way.
I did survive the rupture of the gallbladder entirely on my own, probably because since the twist, the gallbladder was devided into 2 compartiments, and the leak happened to be in the front compartiment, the smallest one. So initially only that one ran empty.
But that already was nothing short of a hell of salt, fire and pain.
If you do not want that to happen to you, take my advice and find a surgeon who will help you while you still can.
There are very few entries on the web that confirm this condition to be a big deal, because it is a rare condition.
best article exactly describing what happened to me;
the part about acalculous infection applies.
The MRI pics in this article fit the description to a T.
You see the gallbladder coming loose, then topling over, next it gets swollen and infected and then it leaks, because bile could no longer get out the normal way.
After operation the fact that it has been infected was overall confirmed, because without infection there can be no adhesions
A footnote in a German book for radiologists and reads that an hourglass gallbladder is a problem because it cannot empty itself. This book has been edited by Mr S Feuerbach.
Those germans can be really good at details and leave nothing out.
Only one book in english states this type of gallbladder should be considered pathological.
And there is a really good article on it, written by an Indian doctor, who really cares about science and who, like me, wants this condition to be better known and better taken care of .
He meticulously describes all defects in such a gallbladder that cannot be detected unless after surgery, like the fact that muscles and tissue get thin when the gallbladder swells.
Also in my case radiologists, looking for wall thickening, did not realise that if something is swollen any wall thickening should be multiplied, because of the swelling that stretches the wall.
There are many posts on the internet about torsion of the gallbladder, and in effect this is a torsion, and all doctors agree that is a rare but very dangerous condition.
But since a torsion at the neck of the gallbladder is the most common type of torsion, gallbladders that will twist in any other way shape or form or are not twisted more than 180 degrees, are wrongly declared to not be a torison by radiologists.
What they mean is that they do not have the type of torsion they know a bit about.
some more pics
Here you see what it looks like when it bursts and the bile is littering the intestines, and burning them away
here you see how it looks like when twisted without contrastfluids, the white stuff is bile.
gallbladder begins to sink down
first part of the gallbladder has burst and has entirely disappeared in the pic, because it no longer contains bileThe longer you hang in there the more rare your situation gets and the less likely you get help. They will let you die because they believe if you had what you have, you would already have died.
Since obviously you did not die yet, they let you die.
All publications stating an acquired hourglass gallbladder is no big deal or probably no big deal should be banned from the web, because they kill people aan have no scientific value whatsoever.
copyright jan 2013
by donna q
Good day everyone, two months ago I was diagnosed with (urethral cancer), which had caused me a great deal of pain and pressure on my bladder. My doctor insisted that there was no other choice but to go under the knife. So everyday I was online searching for herbal medication. I never want to undergo any surgery. so. I have so many testimonies on how they were healed by dr. Imoloa herbal medication. without wasting time i contacted him (dr. Imoloa). on how to get the herbal remedies. I received the herbal package in less than a month, and I followed the steps and procedure on how I should be taking it. and one months later I was scheduled for an ultrasound check: it was shocking. The cancer had completely gone, I had consulted my doctor and canceled the surgery and with your dedicated counseling guidance I managed to completely treat the urethral cancer, along with the pain and anxiety that this condition had inflicted on me. a big thanks to God almighty, thank you Dr. Imoloa for the powerful herbal medication you have to cure people. you reach him on Email- drimolaherbalmademedicine@gmail.com
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